Human Potential / Life Coach, Speaker, Trainer & Hypnotherapist In Orange County, CA Offers Bespoke Human Potential, Life Coaching, Integral Hypnotherapy, And More
Bespoke Accelerated Activation Program™
- 120-minute one-to-one session.
- Education on the power of the subconscious mind.
- Uncover the Greater Problem.
- Set Outcomes for an evidence procedure.
- Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
- Gather Learnings for a future source.
- Condition the Outcome and Learning in Hypnosis.
- Create a Bespoke Daily Mental Supplement™
- Weekly check-ups via email and text for30 days.
Bespoke BVoY™
(Best Version of Yourself)
- Working on one life area:
- Six 60 to 90-minute one-to-one sessions.
- Education on the power of the mind.
- Values Elicitation and Alignment.
- Define each value.
- Integrate the Life of Mastery:Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical.
- Write and Define your Aim Goal.
- Your NorthStar.
- Amplify your End Goal with Action Steps.
- Smart Goal
- Your End Goal is SMART Goal
- More Specific and measurable
- Place the goals into the future.
- Create a Bespoke Daily Mental Supplement™
- Weekly Sessions that create focus and goal achievement.
Bespoke Breakthrough Transformation Package
- Working on one life area:
- Two two-and-a-half-hour sessions the first week:
- Detailed Personal History.
- Values Elicitation and Alignment.
- Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, integrate parts, and do any other release work.
- Twelve (12) 60 to 90-minute one-to-one sessions.
- Education on the power of the mind.
- Values Elicitation and Alignment.
- Define each value.
- Integrate the Life of Mastery: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical.
- Write and Define your Aim Goal.
- Your NorthStar.
- Amplify your End Goal with Action Steps.
- Smart Goal.
- Your End Goal is SMART Goal.
- More Specific and measurable.
- Place the goals into the future.
- Create a Bespoke Daily Mental Supplement™.
- Weekly Sessions that create focus and goal achievement.
- Working on two life area:
- Four two-and-a-half-hour sessions the first week (Starting each breakthrough)
- Detailed Personal History.
- Values Elicitation and Alignment.
- Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, integrate parts, and do any other release work.
- Twenty-four (24) 60 to 90-minute one-to-one sessions.
- Education on the power of the mind.
- Values Elicitation and Alignment.
- Define each value.
- Integrate the Life of Mastery: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical.
- Write and Define your Aim Goal.
- Your NorthStar
- Amplify your End Goal with Action Steps.
- Smart Goal.
- Your End Goal is SMART Goal.
- More Specific and measurable.
- Place the goals into the future.
- Create a Bespoke Daily Mental Supplement™.
- Weekly Sessions that create focus and goal achievement.
Individual Sessions
- 60-minute one-to-one session.
- Education on the power of the mind.
- Create a goal for the presenting problem.
- Identify a limiting belief that is preventing your goal achievement.
- Determine action steps for the achievement of your goal.
- Create imagery for your action steps and goal achieved.
Program Prices
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